Across the world, souls who yearn for deeper awareness of God's Loving Merciful Presence in every moment, are now directing their gaze with excitement and holy joy toward Ash Wednesday.
This is the time of God's beckoning.
We are being invited to encounter Him in new ways during our Lenten days; to accompany Him in the Holy Week prior to and during His Passion; to celebrate with Him and in Him with holy joy on Easter Sunday. When Spirit Lord draws us along this way of our soul's transformation, His Divine Inspirations are our beacons and we hear Him speak with words that have no sounds:
"Jesus needs neither books nor Doctors of Divinity in order to instruct souls; He, the Doctor of Doctors, He teaches without noise of words."
A deep yearning groans in our souls to "know Him, to love Him, to serve Him in our world," and Christ's passionate love for us and His Desire for Intimate Union with our soul fills us with silent awe.
"Between God and the soul, secret things are always happening."
And they are happening in the ordinariness of our days, unseen, intimately hidden as Holy Spirit speaks to us. As we surrender our selves, our opinions, our hopes, our families, our expectations, our control that was never ours, spiritual miracles begin to reshape our desires and transform our relationships.
This is the Lenten time when Spirit Lord asks our permission to purify our soul. When we give our YES, our FIAT to Him, in the ordinariness of our Lenten days, in our common daily work, we allow Him to shift and discard the residual dross of our past sins that silences the Voice of the Divine Three Who dwell so humbly within our souls in love beyond all telling.
When we give Him our permission to purify us during our Lenten pathway, Spirit Lord begins to transform us into the glorified being whom God has chosen to be His instruments of love:
"The Fire that purifies is an Intelligent Fire. It regulates the violence of Its Flame according to the effect It wants to produce."
Spirit Lord is the Flame. He knows what we look like in our glorified state in Heaven and the trials and the sufferings God permits us to endure are His tools of purification which will transform us into the glorified being God ordained us to be.
Sufferings conform us to Christ Crucified. Yet at times, a quiet taunt of complaint may enter our thoughts....
"Does He not see our anguish and the burden that weighs us down? Why does He not come and comfort us? ...
He knows that it is the only means of preparing us to know Him as He knows Himself, and to become ourselves Divine!
"God already sees us in glory and rejoices in our everlasting bliss. I understand now why He lets us suffer."
During our Lenten purification, smiling through spiritual pain and suffering is difficult because in our weak and fragile humanity, spiritual trials may bruise us, and we find ourselves confronting that weapon so well utilized by satan ... discouragement.
"Our whole being objects to the announced suffering. Our poor human nature and our faith need to be sustained. Let us say to Our Lord: Show me the distant light at the end of the tunnel so that we might walk towards this luminous point shining in the dark."
Our Mother Mary, the Immaculata of the Holy Spirit, concludes our thoughts as we strain toward Ash Wednesday and our Lent of Transformation.
Blessed Marie-Eugene imagines the way our dear Mother looked at the dead body of her son Jesus taken down from the Cross and laid in her arms.
Fr Marie-Eugene offers us a Lenten meditation:
"Maternally, you look at his wounds, his face, you discover his majesty and you kiss him. Allow us to kiss him after you: his forehead, his feet and his hands, the wound of his heart."
Our Lenten journey into self-abandonment. self-emptiness and self-surrender to God's Will begins as we stand, silently, beside Christ's Mother and our Mother.
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